It feels like an eternity but finally our house of new Alstromeria colours has started flowering. We first started removing the old crop back in January, then after getting the house cleaned and sterilized and after some delays we got the new plants into the ground in April, a few months on and the result is stunning new and vibrant colours which will really brighten up the mix.
We’ve got a new lilac in the form of Galaxy, the previous lilac was very popular especially with weddings so its great to have this colour back.
Judy is a different Pink to what we have, its paler but also slightly lavender in tone.
Navarro is a strong dark Cerise colour, not quite as pinky as our other cerise.
Shakira is a Yellow, it can have a slight green tinge to it as it opens but then it matures into a beautiful pale yellow.
Disco adds some fun to the range, this novelty colour is a White with a Hot Pink edge, sure to be very popular.
Hot Pepper is a very vibrant rich strong Orange colour.
Tiger is another Yellow, we’ve been missing a good yellow for a while and this stronger addition complements the paler Shakira.
Hilton is another novelty colour, this time the edge in the White flower is more Pinky Red.
With the warm weather which is predicted for this month it won’t be long before these colours are in full production and available for all.